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  3. Composer Tools Pro Navigation Bar

Composer Tools Pro Navigation Bar

  1. Main Menu Button
  2. Send Defaults Button
  3. Title Button
  4. Home Screen Navigation

  • Access the Directory, Edit Menu, and Preferences Window.
  • View the connection status to MKConnect.

Selecting items

The Main Menu Button uses a swipe gesture to select items:

  1. Press and hold the button.
  2. Swipe over to the item you want to select, and release the button.

Send Defaults Button

The Send Defaults button resets all controllers to default values and sends the MIDI out. This is particularly critical if hosting sample libraries on an external slave. For more information, see: Composer Tools Pro Presets.

Title Button

Shows the current preset title. Tap to send the recall message. see: Recalling Composer Tools Pro Presets from your DAW.

Home Screen Navigation

Navigate around the Home Screen panels.

  • Double-tap the scroll panel to toggle snapping and scrolling.

Secondary Navigation Panel

Scrolling away from the Home Screen start position will reveal a secondary navigation bar. Press one the icons to simultaneously jump back to the start position and select one of the primary controller tabs.

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