If you have arrived at this page, it is likely that MIDI Kinetics Support requested additional file attachments in order to diagnose your issue. In order to better assist you it is necessary to be able to check a number of settings. Please attach the following requested files and/or screenshots and send them as a single zip file.
- Lemur project file. For instructions on how to transfer Lemur projects from the Lemur App to/from the Editor, see Intro to Lemur: Using the Lemur Editor.
- Screenshot of Lemur ‘More Settings’ page showing all Target MIDI assignments. Tap the cog-wheel icon in the top-right of Lemur and go to More Settings. If you are using multiple devices, be sure to send this page from all devices.
- Screenshot of MKConnect Connections pane.
- DAW Project Test File.
Cubase users must additionally send the following screenshots:
- All Cubase Generic and MIDI Remote Devices showing their MIDI input and output port assignments.
- Cubase MIDI Port Setup page. This can be found in Studio/Studio Setup…/MIDI Port Setup
"*" indicates required fields